Disclamer - I am NOT responsible for the failure of your keyboard due to the playing of Track'n'Field or Hypersports. If you use this emulator then you agree to this stipulation.
(For best results read this text file with word pad, with View/Options/Text/Wrap to Window turned on)
BEFORE you email me with any problems, Please read the Problems section to see if the answer is there
Whats New
12/2/98 1.23 Added sound to Legend of Hero Tonma.
Missing sprites fix due to incorrectly read roms. You will need to download the new set of roms to fix this.
Save game support for LOHT
Fix the crash as the end of level 1 of LOHT
What is this Bug in Rtype I???
The bug in the x86 engine makes sprites in Rtype I leave trails randomly.
- Quick Starter Requirements
- Instructions
- Keyboard Controls
- Joystick Controls
- Screen Modes
- Whats the number in the Window title
- Problems
- Known Bugs
- To Do
- To Front End'ers
- History and Thank You's
Quick Starter Requirements
- Windows 95
- Direct X 3 or 5 installed
- Juno First and optionally Tutankham,Crystal Castles and Juno First bootleg rom images
To run this emulator you will need to get the arcade roms from a arcade boardset for the game you wish to emulate. These can be obtained from ftp.tant.com or any of the popular Arcade ROM sites. I cannot and will not supply the copyrighted ROM's to people, so don't bother asking ;-)
You will also need to have Windows 95 and DirectX 3 or 5 installed on your machine. DirectX can be obtained from Microsoft's web site or just pick up a magazine with a Windows Direct X game demo and install it. (You can un-install the game demo, DirectX should remain on your system).
DirectX 5 is available from Microsofts WWW page.. http://www.microsoft.com/directx
Download the file IDX5RDTST.EXE which is the retail runtime release.
Put the rom images into the same directory as the executable and start the emulator by running the junofrst.exe program.
Keyboard Controls
- Arrow Keys to move the ship
- CTRL is fire button 1 (fire in Juno First, Fire left in Tutankham)
- SHIFT is fire button 2 (warp in Juno First, Fire right in Tutankham)
- SPACE is fire button 3 (waro in Juno First, Flash in Tutankham)
- Usual Dave Spicer / MAME controls 1,2,3
"1" to start 1 player
"2" to start 2 player
"3" to insert coin
- In Cocktail mode these keys are used for player 2 (NUMLOCK needs to be pressed)
Keypad 4,6,8,2 are for direction, '.','+''-' are fire buttons
Track'n'Field and Hypersports
As these are "button bashers", I have supported them slightly differently..
1,2,3,4 are the usual keys
5,6 are P3 and P4 start so you can play with up to 4 people.
Left and Right arrows are the left and right buttons respectively.
Down and up are mapped to the middle button.
Fire button 1,2,3 are mapped to the left,middle,right buttons (Control,Shift,Space)
Player 2 buttons are the same as normal, except 'Z','X','C' are mapped to the left,middle,right buttons
Hopefully this should keep people happy ;-).. Remember I am not responsible if you break your keyboard. You decided to play the game!!
Joystick Controls
- Joypad/Joystick to move the ship
- Button 1 to fire
- Button 2 or Down on the joystick to enable shields
- "Select" button to insert a coin. (Button10)
- "Start" button to select a 1 player game. (Button9)
- The 1,2,3 keys still work if the joystick is selected
Screen Modes
Juno First supports 8 and 16 bit screen modes, but 256 colour modes are the fastest as long as you don't use palette cycling.
RType and RType II will only run with a 16bit desktop.
Fullscreen mode searches for 3 resolutions, 400x300,512x384 and 640x400. Most video cards support 512x384 but few support 400x300. (which is a perfect arcade resolution).
Whats the number in the Window title
The number in the window title is the Frames Per Second that the emulator is running at. This number should be approximately 60fps. If the emulator is running at a lower frame rate change the Refresh rate in the "Refresh" menu item to something other than Every Frame. (Never means that the screen will never be re-drawn and the fps will be the fastest emulation possible on your machine).
Problems added in this version
"I am running fullscreen.. How do I access the windows menu to change games."
The menu is still there, but not displayed. Press ALT or F10 to make the mouse pointer and menu appear.
"I have garbage on my screen around the borders of the game display"
Sometimes the clearscreen does not happen as DirectX is still changing modes. Press ALT twice to clear the screen.
"I don't have much sound in RType II, only a few explosions and the cymbal hit"
Make sure there are .wav files in the sound directory. You may not have unzipped the package properly.
Old Problems
"I want to play HyperSports and Track'n'Field and I haven't got the Juno First roms. It asks for JUN_XXX.CPU"
Start the game with the two letter that represent the game you want to play.. This can be done by either starting the emulator in a dosbox with "junofrst hs" or "junofrst tf", or by creating a shortcut on your desktop, select properties with the rightmouse button, then click on shortcut.. Now add "hs" or "tf" to the end of the target line.. (It should look like "x:\xxxxx\junofrst.exe hs" for HyperSports where x:\xxxx is the directory where the emulator is kept)
"I can't get the sound to work in Track'n'Field,Hypersports or Rock'n'Rope"
I haven't emulated the Z80 and YM2151 chips which produce the sound effects and music yet. Sound for these games will have to wait until I add this or get samples which I can add. (Like Juno First)
"There seems to be junk displayed on the left and right side of the screen (in Juno First)"
The real arcade pcb doesn't show the left and right 16 pixels on the screen.
I decided to leave these pixels displayed instead of removing them. The game actually does write to this area of the screen, which is why the "3d ground pixels" show up. Unfortunately this area doesn't get cleared all the time, which is where the junk comes from.
"The graphics seem to be different to what I remember. Didn't the colours change?"
By default colour cycling is disabled on a 256 colour desktop. (except the background colour which changes rarely, and is an integral part of the game). This is done because colour cycling is very slow in windowed mode.
To see the colour cycling effects turn on the palette cycling option or change your desktop colour depth to 16bit.
"I have a fast PC but the game is running REALLY slow"
You are running Juno First on a 256 colour desktop with colour cycling enabled.
Palette cycling under windowed mode in DirectX is incredibly slow. Turn off colour cycling and the speed should increase dramatically.
"It's still going slow and the palette cycling option is greyed out"
You are running Juno First on a 16bit desktop. Try changing the refresh speed to a lower value. This will make the game jerkier but it will play at the proper speed.
"I can't get any sound to work (and I have a DirectX 'emulated' sound card)"
There is a bug with DirectX 3.0 which causes any sound to stop working the moment anything is drawn when Windowed mode is used.
This only occurs when the DirectX sound drivers are in emulation mode.
Unfortunately for Gravis Ultrasound Classic owners, this means you, and Gravis don't intend to make a DirectSound driver for it..
If you have got a "normal" soundcard, ie a soundblaster or compatible then you may need to install new drivers.
This problem has been fixed in DirectX version 5.0 and greater.
(Download from http://www.microsoft.com/directx/)
"Tutankham doesn't have all the sound effects"
I have only been able to get a few sounds effects for Tutankham. I will sample them properly when I have modified the Tutankham roms so they will work on a Juno First boardset
"I started the emulator and I get a black window or I can see the background but I can't see any sprites"
You either don't have DirectX installed or you have DirectX 1.0 or 2.0 installed. The Phoenix Emulator must be used with DirectX 3 or 5.
"I installed DirectX and Windows won't startup"
This problem sometimes occurs when a driver is installed but won't startup, (ie some Rendition 3D boards). Try copying the DirectX installation directory (normally called redist) to your harddrive, and boot in Safe mode. Then use the Display control panel to install and select your card (without rebooting).
I can't be responsible for any problems you have installing DirectX on your machine. Contact Microsoft if you have problems. It's their program.
"I've got my Joystick plugged but Juno First won't let me select it"
You either haven't plugged in your joystick properly (or it is in the wrong port), or you haven't installed the windows joystick drivers. Start the control panel and there should be a joystick icon. If there isn't click on Add Hardware, say No to "do you want to detect new hardware" and click Next, Now pick "Sound, video and game controllers", and click Next, Select Microsoft for the manufacturer, and select Gameport Joystick. Click Next and you will be asked for your Windows CD/disks. After the driver has been installed you will need to reboot. When the machine has re-booted, open the control panel, and select the Joystick icon which has appeared. Using this select your joystick type, calibrate and test it. You should now be able to use your joystick in the emulator.
"The emulator starts and then just exits"
An error exception has happening somewhere in the initialisation. Contact me as I have a debug version which gives more error messages.
Known Bugs
- Lots of things to do to get Crystal Castles fully running.. Go play it on Mame ;-)
- Screen clipping on Juno First and Tutankham
- Most of the sound effects for Tutankham are missing
- High score's aren't remembered in the bootleg version.
- Tabletop mode doesn't work as I'm not supporting screen flipping.
- Circus Charlie dipswitches are correct except for 4-7. I'm pretty sure they are difficulty. Can anyone confirm this?
To Do
- Add Z80, AY-8910 and multi-processor capability so I can emulate the sound chips properly instead of using samples. (Which sound better though ;-)
- Fix Crystal Castles and add Pokey emulation
- Lots more...
To Front End'ers
Juno First has a command line option to start with a specified game
Juno First "JN"
Juno First Bootleg "JB"
Tutankham "TK"
Crystal Castles "CC"
Track'n'Field "TF"
HyperSports "HS"
Rock'n'Rope "RR"
Circus Charlie "CH"
Circus Charlie Set2 "C2"
RType I "R1"
RType II "R2"
Legend of Hero Tonma "LH"
so "JUNOFRST JB" will start the emulator with Juno First Bootleg
History and Thank You's
John Manfreda for the super fast 32bit 6809 Engine
Neil Bradley for the 32bit Multi-6502 Engine
Neil Adamson for loaning me his prized Juno First arcade board
Mike Cuddy and Pete Grounds for providing a vital piece of information
Rob Jarrett for the Tutankham memory map
Brian Peek for maintaining an excellent WWW resource
Paul Swan for helping in many ways, and for getting me into the "REAL" arcade world.
Tim (Powerjaw) for the real quick screen shots for Hypersports and Rock'n'Rope.
Ravage for all the testing and lending me his Rare RType Leo arcade board.
I86 emulator by David Hedley, modified by Fabrice Frances (frances@ensica.fr)
Valerio Verrando for Highscore information for Circus Charlie and Roc'n'Rope
Enjoy and have great retro memories... may they be as good as you remember them being.
Chris Hardy (chrish@kcbbs.gen.nz)
Version History
18/8/97 1.0 - First release
26/8/97 1.1 - Added support for Track'n'Field and Hypersports. Unfortunately the currently
avaiable roms for Hypersports are not complete. Replaced missing roms with a
"solid block"
26/8/97 1.11- Fixed a bug which causes a crash due to Track'n'Field selecting the 4th character set
in test mode, when there are only 3. Thanks to Cameron Mac Millan for helping with
this one.
28/8/97 -.-- I had the Joystick Up and Down reversed!!! Only one person emailed me about this..
Thanks to Klaus - Dieter Pollack for pointing the bug out... (I only believed him
after I tried it myself though ;-)
29/8/97 1.12- Hypersports now uses the 8k version of Hypersports which has the correct logo.
There is a new set of roms.
Hypersport's colours are better but I don't have screen shots of the swimming or the
archery section.
Found another sprite clipping bug which was causing crashes if you changed from
the title screen of Juno First to Hypersports...
I now have my own WWW page.. Whohooooo
30/8/97 -.-- Now all the dipswitch settings appear correctly. I forgot to add some extra listbox's
into my Dipswitch dialog box!!. Whoops.. The dipswitch settings are in the actual code
just not visable.. Only one person has noticed it.. Thanks to Advanced (Nel) for
pointing those bug out.
1/9/97 1.13 Fixed the colours in the swimming and archery section. Not perfect yet as I still
need the colour proms. (for bitplane selection, like Green Beret)
Added Rock'n'Rope. Most of the colours are correct thanks to Tim (Powerjaw) for doing
some great screen shots
Found out where microsoft hide DirectX 5 downloads on their WWW page....
2/9/97 1.14 Damn... I hate it when you fix something and forget to test it fully. The Dipswitch
settings got added but changing them didn't do anything. Anyway, fixed it now.
Quicky change to the joystick.. Up and Down now do not make the guy jump in Hypersports
and Track'n'Field.
3/9/97 1.15 Fixed the High Score saving problem with HyperSports.. I finally worked out why it
stopped working all of a sudden.. The 8k Hypersports romset has a DIFFERENT set of
dipswitch settings!!. There is conflicting dipswitch setting information on Wiretap,
BUT they are BOTH correct.. It all depends on what revision hardware you have. (8k or
16k roms)
Remember to select "Default" in the dipswitch menu to reset the settings to the correct
4/9/97 1.16 Circus Charlie support added. Colours still need working on, and the sprite clipping need
some work also.
Fixed up all the Rock'n'Rope Dipswitch settings. Thanks to Ian IIsley for pointing out
the Konami FAQ which had the dipswitch settings.(http://www.coil.com/~rickk/konamfaq.htm)
Sorry guys, I have revamped the Dipswitch saving, and had to set all the settings back to
their default values.
5/9/97 1.17 Circus Charlie Set 2 support added. This is the rom set which allows you to select the
level to play, and seems to be the most common "real" arcade set. Funny that. The other
version is very tough.
15/9/97 1.18 Colours in Track'n'Field are much better now, although not perfect as I still need the
proms which specify which bitplanes are used in the graphics.
I modified the opcode decyption scheme in the 6809 engine which gained a 40-60 percent
speed increase in most of the games.
I have been sent some GREAT screen shots for Circus Charlie so I'm going to incorporate
them into the colour palette for CC. Unfortunately there wasn't time to do this for this
release.. Thanks to Eric Jacobson for these...
24/1/98 1.20 Skip a revision number due to the time between updates and the cool games added :-)
I've decided to release a new version even though there is a bug with the emulation of RType
I and II. Rtype I and II support. This has taken a long time to appear due to a bug in the x86
engine which makes sprite trails in RType I.
Fullscreen mode. All games will now run in fullscreen mode using either 400x300x16 bit,
512x384x16 bit or if these modes cannot be found 640x400x16bit. 400x300x16 bit is the best
mode for RType but unfortunately many DirectDraw vga drivers do not support it.
MUCH faster screen display code. Because Rtype I and II require a 16bit window,
I've re-written most of the graphics routines in optimised assembler. All of the
games run faster now, and or work better at lower frame skips.
100% colours in Roc'n'Rope, Circus Charlie, Track'n'Field and Hypersports..
F7 and F8, Save and Load the current game state in RType I and II.
Sound support for RType II via samples which came from a real RType II board. Unfortunately
due to the size of the music samples they have been omitted from this release.
A future version will have native YM2151 support and won't require the samples.
28/1/98 1.21 Bug fix release. RType II's elevator bug is fixed. Track'n'Field is no longer slower than
the previous release. RType I has proper dipswitch settings.
Sprite/background priorities have not been implemented yet which is why the countdown at
the end of the game does not display properly
28/1/98 1.21a Minor bug fix.. Rtype US roms are now supported. Just put them in the rtype directory
29/1/98 1.22a Minor bug fix 2.. Joystick support back for RType I and II.
30/1/98 1.22 Support for Legend of Hero Tonma added
12/2/98 1.23 Added sound to Legend of Hero Tonma.
Missing sprites fix due to incorrectly read roms. You will need to download the new set of roms to fix this.
Save game support for LOHT
Fix the crash as the end of level 1 in LOHT
The ROM's that this emulator requires are the copyright of the original owners.
This emulator is Freeware, which means you can give it to your friends, (WITHOUT the roms), or anyone else. The emulator is still Copyright Chris Hardy 1997.
The emulator is NOT to be included on any CDROM's without my permission. If you wish to include this emulator on a CDROM then email me for permission. (Which will probably be given if I can have a copy of the CDROM ;-)
By using this program you are assuming complete responsibilty for your PC. This means I won't be responsible for any damage you do to your PC trying to install and run this emulator.
More Legal stuff originally from Dave Spicer emulator readme, which I am applying to my emulator also.
Anyone using this program does so at their own risk. The author does not accept any liability for loss or damage arising from its use.
Permission is granted to upload the original zip file to any ftp or web site where it may be publicly acccessed, just so long as the zip is UNALTERED. Yes, 'unaltered' does mean not rezipping the directory with an extra text file saying 'downloaded from Fred Bloggs web page'. The idea is to remove the chance of viruses getting into the distribution.
In particular, NO ROM IMAGES FROM THE SUPPORTED GAMES SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THE EMULATOR. Doing so annoys both the coin-op companies and me. The author will not be held responsible for any copyright violations by users of the emulator and actively discourages any such violations.
All other forms of distribution are strictly prohibited. This restriction includes, but is not limited to, distribution in Internet compilation disks/cds, shareware libraries, magazine cover disks/cds and any other media. (with the exception noted in the previous paragraph)